Till I Get Over You - текст песни
Till I Get Over You
Well, hold it right there
You're going nowhere
Until I tell you that you can
It wasn't me that told you
I didn't love you, so you
Can just sit down and hold my hand
There's some explaining
I'm anticipating how you're
Gonna let me down easy
Do everything you can to please me
You better hold me awhile
'Til my eyes are dry
I think I have the right
But it may take me awhile
Till I get over you
Do you think it's easy
To just forget my feelings
And smile and turn the other cheek
'Cause you're not stimulated
And I was temporary
Until you found the girl you'd keep
Years ago I told you
If you wanted to go you could
Well, I've changed my mind
I didn't know you'd go I'm a little behind
Hold me awhile
'Til my eyes are dry
I think I have the right
But it may take me awhile
Till I get over you
Years ago I told you
If you wanted to go you could
Well, I've changed my mind
I didn't know you'd go I'm a little behind
Hold me awhile
'Til my eyes are dry
I think I have the right
But it may take me awhile
Till I get over, till I get over you
Till I get over you
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