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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes
Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » J » Johnny Cash
Singer Of Songs - текст песни

Singer Of Songs

I’m not a savior, and I’m not a saint.

The man with the answers I certainly ain’t.

I wouldn’t tell you what’s right or what’s wrong.

I’m just a singer of songs.

But I can take you for a walk along a little country stream.

I can make you see through lovers’ eyes and understand their dreams.

I can help you hear a baby’s laugh and feel the joy it brings.

Yes, I can do it with the songs I sing.

I’m not a prophet, and I’m not a priest.

I’m not a wise man who’s come from the East.

I wouldn’t tell you what’s right or what’s wrong.

I’m just a singer of songs.

But I can take you to a city where a man was crucified.

I can tell you how He lived, and I can tell you why He died.

I can help proclaim the glory of this mighty king of kings.

Yes, I can do it with the songs I sing.

I’m not a great man. I don’t claim to be.

But when I meet my Maker and He questions me,

I won’t hang my head. I’ll stand proud and strong

and say, “I was a singer. Lord, I was a singer.

Yes, I was a singer of songs.”

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