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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes
Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » J » Johnny Cash
Snow In His Hair - текст песни

Snow In His Hair

The years have been many the years have been long

But at last I'm returning to daddy and home

He's looking my way though he hardly can see

God bless my old daddy he recognize me

There's snow in his hair and I helped to put it there a halo of worry and care

As my daddy grows old he's more precious than gold

For I cherish the snow in his hair

[ guitar ]

His shoulders were bent with the weight of the years

I scarcely could hold back the flood tide of tears

He walked with a cane as he hurried along coming to meet me to welcome me home

There's snow in his hair...

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