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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes
Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » J » Johnny Cash
So Doggone Lonesome - текст песни

So Doggone Lonesome

I do my best to hide this lowdown feelin'

I try to make believe there's nothing wrong

But they're always asking me about you darling

And it hurts me so to tell 'em that you're gone

If they ask me I guess I'd be denyin'

that I've been unhappy all alone

But if they heard my heart they'd hear it cryin'

Where's my darling, when's she coming home

I ask myself a million times what's right for me to do

To try to lose my blues alone or hang around for you

But I make it pretty good until that moon comes shining through

And that I get so doggone lonesome

Time stands still when you're a waitin'

sometimes I think my heart is stoppin' too

One lonely hour seems forever

sixty minutes more to wait for you

But I guess I'll keep waitin' till you're with me cause I believe that loving you is right

But I don't care if the sun don't rise tomorrow if I can't have you with me tonight

Well I know I'll keep on loving you

cause true love can't be killed

I ought to get you off of my mind

but I guess I never will

I could have a dozen others

but I know I'd love you still

Cause I get so doggone lonesome

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