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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » J » Johnny Cash
Softly &Amp;Amp; Tenderly - текст песни

Softly &Amp;Amp; Tenderly

Softly and Tenderly

Lyrics for Album: My Mother's Hymn Book

(Rebecca Lynn Howard)

Softly and tenderly,Jesus is calling

Calling for you and for me

See,on the portals he's waiting and watching

Watching for you and for me

Come home,come home

Ye who are weary,come home

Earnestly,tenderly,Jesus is calling

Calling,O sinner,come home

O for the wonderful love he has promised

Promised for you and for me

Though we have sinned,he has mercy and pardon

Pardon for you and for me

Come home,come home

Ye who are weary,come home

Earnestly,tenderly,Jesus is calling

Calling,O sinner,come home

Calling,O sinner,come home

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