Blackbird - аккорды песни
Blackbird - Bass tab
Transcribed and tabbed by Joe Britton
Artist - Jaco Pastorius Album - Word of Mouth Track - Black Bird Written by the Beatles, Arranged for bass by Jaco Pastorius. This tab is just the basic idea, there are a few small variations in parts.
Any comments, questions etc. E-mail: [email protected]
Rhythm fig. 1
_______ _______ _______ ______ ____ ________ ________ 4 |-|-|-| |-|-|-| |-|-|-| |-r | | | |--|-|-| |--|-|-| 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G||---6-------7-------9--------18---18--|--(18)----18--------18--------- D||*----7-------7-------7-----------14--|--(14)-------14--------14------ A||*------0-0-----0-0-----0-0-----------|-------0--------0-0-------0-0-- E||-------------------------------------|-------------------------------
________ ________ ________ ________ ______ ____ |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |-r | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G--18---------|--11---------14--------13---------16---14--|-(14)---- D-----14------|-----12---------12--------12-----------16--|-(16)---- A--------0-0--|--------0-0--------0-0-------0-0-----------|------0-- E-------------|-------------------------------------------|--------- 1____________________2__________ ________ ________ ________ _____ ____ | _____ ____ |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| | -| | | | | | -| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. |_| |__O | |. |_| |_| G--14--------14---------14---------|--13--14---11-------||--13--14---11- D-----16--------15---------15------|--14--14---12------*||--14--14---12- A--------0-0-------0-0--------0-0--|--0---0----0-------*||--0---0----0-- E----------------------------------|--------------------||--------------
_____ ______ ______ ____ ____ | | |--| | |--| | | | | | | | | | O | | | | | | O | |__| | O G----/11--|--10---|--9-------9--------8---|------14------------| D---------|--12---|----11------11-----9---|--/12--------2------| A---------|--0----|-------0-------0---0---|-------------0------| E---------|-------|-----------------------|--------------------|
Rest Then repeat whole of rhythm fig. 1, With this fill in the first time bar: _____ ____ ________ __________ | -| | | | r |-|--|-| |--|--|--| |. |__| |__O O | | | | | | | | G|--13--14--11------|-----11-9------------------| D|--14--14--12------|----------11-9-------------| A|--0---0---0-------|---------------12-9--------| E|------------------|--------------------12-10--|
Rhythm Fig. 2
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G|--19--------19--------14--------14---------|-9--------9--------- D|-----17--------16--------14--------12------|---10-------10------ A|--------0-0-------0-0-------0-0-------0-0--|------0-0------0-0-- E|-------------------------------------------|--------------------
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |--|-|-| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G---11--------11---------|--19--------19--------14--------14---------| D------12--------12------|-----17--------16--------14--------12------| A---------0-0-------0-0--|--------0-0-------0-0-------0-0-------0-0--| E------------------------|-------------------------------------------|
1___________________2_______ ________ ________ _______ _______ | ________ ________ |--|-|-| |--|-|-| |-|-|-| |-|-|-| | |--|-|-| |--|-|-| | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | O 4 G|-9--------9--------8-------8---------||-9--------9----------8--|-------| D|---10-------10-------9-------9------*||---10-------10-------9--|-1-bar-| A|------0-0------0-0-----0-0-----0-0--*||------0-0------0-0---0--|-rest--| E|-------------------------------------||------------------------|-------|
Then Rhythm fig. 1, Skip first time bar, then rest, then:
Rhythm fig. 3
4 4 All 16th notes G|--6-------7-------9-------18---------|--18--------18--------- D|----7-------7-------7--------16------|-----17--------16------ A|------0-0-----0-0-----0-0-------0-0--|--------0-0-------0-0-- E|-------------------------------------|-----------------------
G|--18---------14---------11-------14--------|--13--------16--------- D|-----14---------12---------7--------9------|-----11--------15------ A|--------0-0--------0-0-------0-0------0-0--|--------0-0-------0-0-- E|-------------------------------------------|-----------------------
_____ ____ | -| | | | |. |_| |____O G--14--------14---------|--12--14----9-------- D-----16--------15------|--------------------- A--------0-0-------0-0--|------------8-------- E-----------------------|--------------------- Bass 1
Bass 1 holds the double stop, and bass 2 comes in with this riff:
__________ __________ __________ r |--|--|--| |--|--|--| |--|--|--| O.__| | | | | | | | | | | | G|------------------|----------------17-------17- D|------------17-19-|-19-17-19-19-------19-19---- A|---------19-------|---------------------------- E|------------------|---------------------------- bass 2
__________ __________ ____ |--|--|--| |--|--|--| |--| | | | | | | | | | | G--19-17-------------------|-------- D--------19-19-17-19-19-17-|-------- A--------------------------|-19-17-- E--------------------------|--------
After riff go to Rhythm fig. 1,(this riff slightly overlaps into Rhythm 1)
After Rhythm fig. 1, go to Rhythm fig 2. Then back to Rhythm fig. 1. Skip first time bar then end.
Tab and rhythm explanation:
| | O = whole note |__| = crotchet tied to quaver
| O = minimhalf note x = dead note | (4) = ghost note (held on | = crotchetquarter note from previous bar) ___ | | | 5 = slide down | or | | = quavereigth note ___ | |-| 5/ = slide up | or | | = semi-quaversixteenth note
| 5tr6 = trill |. = dotted quaver etc.
r | = crotchet restquarter note rest
r | = quaver resteighth note rest etc.
__3__ | | | | | | = quaver triplets
__3____ | | | | | | | | = quaver triplets + quaver ____ |- r | | = semi-quaver + quaver rest
_______ |- | -| | | | = semi-quaver + quaver + semi-quaver
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