Be Somebody - текст песни
Be Somebody
I want to be somebody I want to make a difference
Little boy caught in a drive-by Witnessed the killer who made his daddy die, And 'cause he identified and signed the dotted line, He could feel it in his stomach, he signed away his life Little boy who once was the leader of his class The little source of joy, always neatly dressed Now would hang his head and be left crying at his desk, Was found with his mother, lying in her lap With two bullets in his chest
And,oh my god,what is this madness? I will not let it kill by gladness And,oh my god, what is this madness? My joy inside will send this message
I want to be somebody I want to make a difference, For we all are children of the Mother I want to be somebody I want to make a difference, For we all are children of the Father
Outspoken man, leading sisters and brothers, Picked himself up from hustling,drugs and gutters Doing time on the inside, he found a higher power Now, back with a mission to help us help each other
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