Happy Happy Joy Joy - текст песни
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Hello, boys and girls. This is your old pal, Stinky Weaselteats. [*]
This is a song (Texts of songs ) about a whale. No! This is a song (Texts of songs ) about being happy!
That's right! It's the Happy Happy Joy Joy song (Texts of songs )!
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy!
I don't think you're happy enough! That's right! I'll teach you to
be happy! I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs! Now, boys and
girls, let's try it again!
If'n you aint the grandaddy of all liars! The little critters of
nature... They don't know that they're ugly! That's very funny, a
fly marrying a bumblebee! I told you I'd shoot! But you didn't
believe me! Why didn't you believe me?!
[chorus without last line]
Happy Happy Happy Happy
Happy Happy Happy Happy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy!
* Stinky's last name is up for debate. It is pronounced closer
to "whizzleteats". The authority for "Weaselteats" is an article
that appeared in "Metro" magazine, a weekly for-free newspaper
that appears at various places in Santa Clara County. The HHJJ
song (Texts of songs ) was described by the author of the article as, "Sing 'Happy
Happy Joy Joy'. Repeat until death sets you free."
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