The Fourth And Final Day of The New Millenium - текст песни
The Fourth And Final Day of The New Millenium
A lone girl stands at the brink of dawn
Her heart was broken all along
A lone girl stands at the brink of dawn
She can't believe she's come this far
Learn to fly Learn to fly Learn to fly
The world cuts off at the brink of dawn
The world was broken all along
The world cuts off at the brink of dawn
A lone girl stood and now she's gone
Learn to fly Learn to fly Learn to fly
The sun won't shine at the brink of dawn
For all it's might and all its brawn
The sun won't shine at the brink of dawn
In the end it's just a pawn
Learn to fly Learn to fly Learn to fly
I cried my last tear at the brink of dawn
A flash of light and its all gone
I cried my last tear at the brink of dawn
But from the West I heard a song (Texts of songs )
I can't fly I can't fly I can't fly
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