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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » S » Steve Wariner
Talk To Her Heart - текст песни

Talk To Her Heart

Boys we're living in a brave new world

Let me tell you what I've learned about girls

In this age of high tech and state of the art

When it comes to love you've still gotta talk to her heart

She can have a college degree

MBA or a Ph.D.

She can be strong and she can be smart

But when it comes to love, you've still got to talk to her heart

You got to be honest you got to be real

You got to tell her how you really do feel

Don't talk about fishin' don't talk about cars

Talk about the moon and talk about the stars

Tell her she's beautiful just talk to her heart

You got to be honest you got to be real

You got to tell her how you really do feel

Don't talk about fishin' don't talk about cars

Talk about the moon and talk about the stars

Tell her she's beautiful just talk to her heart

Well there's been alot of changes since time began

But nothing's changed between a woman and a man

It's how things were it's how things are

When it comes to love you've still got to talk to her heart

When it comes to love you've still got to talk to her heart

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