Wonder (A Song To The Stars) - текст песни
Wonder (A Song To The Stars)
(feat. Randy Jackson, Ricky Jackson)
(“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation...while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” Job 38:4,7)
I could stand here looking at you for a thousand years
And if I could I’d fly to the heavens and meet you there
But this gravity keeps holding me down
So I’ll just keep watching you slide through the summer sky
It makes me smile while you mingle your lights with the fireflies
And I don’t want to stop this spinning around
Hey, I’m getting dizzy now (Hey you, looking at me)
I’m falling to the ground (Tell me what do you see)
(From down there?)
Hey, I’m getting teary-eyed (Hey, if you could)
My mouth is open wide (Tell me how do we look)
In wonder (From down there?)
(...in wonder...)
In wonder (...in wonder...)
Shall we dance, from opposite sides of the universe?
And we’ll shine the Glory behind all our spins and turns
As we orbit our way through the sky
Is it true you sang with the angels when earth was made?
And now I sing along with your song (Texts of songs ) while The Music plays
And the harmony is building
‘Cause the chorus can’t be too far away....
Hey, I’m getting dizzy now (Hey you, looking at me)
I’m falling to the ground (Tell me what do you see)
(From down there?)
Hey, I’m getting teary-eyed (Hey, if you could)
My mouth is open wide (Tell me how do we look)
In wonder (From down there?)
(...in wonder...)
In wonder (...in wonder...)
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